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Why We Love Faith City Mission...And You Should Too! Part 1

Imagine this…you are homeless, helpless, and have come to the end of your rope. In the distance you see a building that is beckoning you from the center of downtown. It is a place you had only heard of in your wanderings. You watch from afar as people go in broken and come out laughing and your mind wonders if that could be for you. Your spirit jumps at the idea that maybe, just maybe, your wounded soul could one day be healed of its affliction. You decide to follow the crowd standing in line across the threshold of Faith City Mission. You are welcomed warmly by discipleship students and are ushered into worship, something you were not expecting. As tears stream down your face, you realize that there is more here than just food, clothing, and shelter. The Holy Spirit that you long ago quieted is present and your heart leaps for joy. After worship service, you are led into a wonderful atmosphere where kind people with beautiful smiles serve you, a guest of the mission, and you didn’t do anything to deserve such treatment. You have walked right into the heartbeat of Faith City Mission, and you will never be the same…

When our chef, Carson Lyons, came to Faith City in 2010, he had nothing left either. He valued money and status more than God. Carson found a community he could rely on at Faith City. He didn’t need to find his identity in things of this world – material items or status. He started to store up treasures in Heaven.

“It really helped me to be around other people who had issues in their lives, too. Even though their problems weren’t exactly the same as mine, they were similar enough to where I was able to realize I wasn’t alone. There were other people going through the same thing.”

After two years at Faith City, Carson became the Food Service Director. He loves serving others who are in similar places as he was, just a few years ago. He has been such a light here.

In 2017, Carson was accepted into the nursing program at Amarillo College. He graduates in May of 2019! Carson has accepted a job in the ICU unit of UCM in Lubbock, TX and will be furthering his education in the medical field. Because of you, this lost man turned his life around. Now he is helping others.

“Prior to coming here, I was focused on the plans I had for myself and shutting God out of the whole picture. I was not listening to what God was telling me. I finally accepted that God does have a plan for me. I am a much better man if I slow down and listen to God, rather than try to take the wheel and be the boss.”

Carson is grateful for friends like YOU!

“I am very grateful we have donors who provide this opportunity for people like me who truly want their lives to change.”

His life is forever changed because of your continual generosity. In turn, Carson has given back during his time here. Faith City is better for it, our guests are better for it, and the world is better for it!

Consider donating today to change the lives of those coming into our doors. Every gift counts!

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600 N Tyler

Amarillo, TX 79107


Faith City Mission is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt Religious/charitable organization (TIN 75-6029995).

© 2017-2023 by Faith City Mission

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